Worship Team
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery
Galatians 5:1
Galatians 5:1

This weekend we will hear from singles who are living witnesses of a changed life through Jesus Christ.
Saturday evening, we will have a Chain Burning celebration to demonstrate our freedom from bondage!
John Haislip is back and will lead us in praise and celebration between each of our testimonies. John, as a single leader, works as a teacher and worship leader at First Baptist Church and school in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. He teaches music, Bible and science classes. He has a worship arts degree from Liberty University and has been an ordained minister with the Southern Baptist Convention for 18 years. Musically, his focus with the praise band is piano, vocals, and guitar. He currently lives in the small town of Fisk, Missouri and has two boys, Connor and Liam. |
Meet some of our singles who will be sharing their testimony!
Donna Holmes, Retreat Director, plans to share tools God gave her during reconstruction of her life. Friday evening she will share her journey and testimony on how God broke the chains of slavery over pain, deceit, mental anguish. To most people my life looked pretty cushy... Life was good. Or was it. My life was full of secrets, pain which was hidden within our perfect home. God took me on a journey where He showed me His real love. He showed me how to live a victorious life in this unfair world. He gave me peace when I lived in confusion. He healed my broken spirit when I was at my wits end. God will forever be my wonderful Savior. |
Cheri Clark, Singles & Support Group Pastor at Central Community Church, Wichita, KS.
In 1993, after a 15-year marriage and 3 children, my life as I had always known it came to a sudden end. I never knew my big blue Victorian dream house; all my antiques and collectibles and my financially successful husband were the chains holding me back from God’s best plans for me. When I was age 33, my husband made a firm decision that he wanted a divorce and that left me completely devastated and with no desire to even live any more, but my love for my kids meant suicide was not an option, and so instead I cried out to God and told Him if He wanted my life, He could have it. Suddenly, all my anxiety melted away as I relaxed, cradled in His arms of love, filled with His peace. I was set free from the bondage of my worldly self; to live fully surrendered to God and to experience the abundant life He had planned for me all along. Cheri will close our retreat by sharing her testimony and serving communion. |
Jana Henderson, Member of Monett Church of the Nazarene, Let me tell you about my Chain Breaker....
Adopted at birth. Made some very poor choices early in life. Hallelujah, I've been delivered, saved and clean of drugs for 27 years now. |
Debra Carlson, member of Stark Friends, KS, My life was near perfect. I had a loving husband, Lance. We had 3 beautiful children. We both had great jobs. We had dreams for our future.
Our lives completely changed in one visit to a neurologist’s office. Lance was diagnosed with a terminal disease. I'm so thankful that God's love and presence is available to us 24/7 and that He sees and prepares us for facing unseen circumstances in our future. |
Travis Seek, member of The Well, Springfield, MO. I was born into darkness. My memories were horrific.
"God? Yeah... let me go ahead and put you in the category of the tooth ferry and Santa Clause, if this is how He shows his love. 2013 I found myself in my closet, high, and suicidal. I prayed to GOD to please take away these feelings, this pain, this hurt, this life. GOD, I don't want to die but please let me die! I sat at the bottom of that closet (Matthew 6:6) I prayed with faith and sincerity for change. And it did! |
Torrie Green, Raised in a loving home, I was introduced to Jesus early in life. Yet, without truly understanding what a relationship with Christ meant. I found myself searching for acceptance in all the wrong places for many years.
But everything changed when I encountered the gospel in a new way – a message that spoke about my true identity and revealed the saving grace of our Father. That moment became the turning point, breaking the chains that had held me back and setting me on a path of freedom and purpose. |
Donna Holmes, 417-848-0360; Email: [email protected]; Tara Nichols, 417-527-6697; Email: [email protected]
Registration Address: 300 E St Louis St, Apt 7, Nixa, MO 65714
Donna Holmes, 417-848-0360; Email: [email protected]; Tara Nichols, 417-527-6697; Email: [email protected]
Registration Address: 300 E St Louis St, Apt 7, Nixa, MO 65714